Phthalates = Infertility
The chemical revolution foisted thousands of chemicals upon the population, and many of them are now being found to have significant health impacts. Among the most damaging are plasticising chemicals such as phthalates, which makes plastic soft and pliable.
In adults, the more phthalates a man has in his system, the lower his testosterone level will be, and the lower his sperm count.

Women with the highest levels of phthalates began menopause earlier than women with the lowest levels, and some may enter menopause as much as 15 years earlier. This can have severe consequences for a woman’s fertility.
Avoid products labelled with “fragrance” as this catch-all term may include hidden phthalates which are commonly used to stabilise synthetic scents and extend the life of the product. Avoid air fresheners.
Buy products in glass bottles instead of plastic or cans, and use glass baby bottles instead of plastic.
Breastfeed exclusively for the first year if you can to avoid plastic nipples and bottles all together.
Remove your fruit and vegetables from plastic bags immediately after coming home from the grocery store and wash them before storage.
Use natural cleaning products or make your own.
Replace feminine hygiene products with safer alternatives.
Use natural essential oils, as they can help to decompose and remove phthalates from your body.
The glands of your endocrine system and the hormones they release influence almost every cell, organ and function of your body, which is why endocrine disrupters such as phthalates can have such dire consequences. Your endocrine system is instrumental in regulating mood, growth and development, tissue function and metabolism, as well as sexual function and reproductive processes.