Overweight is just the tip of the iceberg. The same causes that determine whether we have a load of extra kilos, can result in other problems, such as acne, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue or lack of energy, depression and painful joints, diabetes, nail breakage and hair loss, and sometimes cancer, heart attack or stroke.

A society-imposed lifestyle and stereotypes are not so easy to overcome, as they lie in our subconscious mind and it is the reason why it is so difficult for us consciously modify our habits.
What makes a person overweight? Habits acquired, individual metabolic rate, nutrition, physical activity and, of course, records and automation in our subconscious mind, which are created in two ways:
1. Through the repeated information we receive 2. Through emotions and feelings of the body
The subconscious programs initially come from parents, then from friends, the public and mass media. Some emotional eating habits are formed after stressful events or even lovely memories tied up with eating.
The programming is developed differently through receptors in our body. Suppose that every time we consume a particular food item, we feel some discomfort. After some time, the smell, image, and even the shape of this product will cause unpleasant sensations, even when we do not eat it. It is a new subconscious programme, which warns against the threat!
And the opposite - get some kind of "druggy" food, like sugar + fat, and your brain will be pampered with dopamine does, and you get addicted...it doesn't mean it is healthy, but you will lack the next dose.

We eat a large quantity of inedible, concentrated food. The body reacts to this product as something alien and poisonous and narcotic and energising at the same time, mobilising all its forces to protect us, the body tries to isolate all vague components of these products and hide them as far as possible from the body’s essential organs. So it hides them into the fat cells. But at the same time brain gets energised from sugars and fats that are concentrated energy forms, like after the dose of narcotics and here we get fooled... After such food, we feel (although in the short term) a sense of happiness. Hormones responsible for the sensation of joy appear and the reaction of "addicts" to such food arises.
Thus, up to the age of 40, we can collect garbage, which may constitute 40% to 60% of our weight. But the worst thing is after eating a fair, adequate amount of natural food - your body gets enough energy and enzymes, the purification process immediately begins, which makes us feel unpleasant sensations, because "trash" returns to the blood from fat cells, where it was located. This is called the secondary intoxication.
After some time, our subconscious becomes acutely aware that fruits and vegetables (natural food) have a fast and adverse effect on us, albeit irrelevant and short-lived. While intoxicating, concentrated foods, particularly those containing high levels of sugar and artificial ingredients stop the impact. This is because all the forces of the body are thrown into defence, isolation and tensioning new trash - and intoxication ends for a while. Therefore, we enter a closed vicious circle where "worse" means "better."
Arnold Ehreth described this process at the beginning of the 20th century, but he did not emphasise the psychological, subconscious effect of this phenomenon.
When a person deliberately decides to lose weight, he first encounters a powerful enemy— own subconscious mind, which, as we know, is not directly subordinated to our conscious mind.

The majority of weight loss programs are knowledge-based and work only at the level of consciousness, so they do not produce results and fails in two months. If you fail more then one time - a new unconscious program is being acquired, and you are moving into a state of resistance to change.
To change habits into ones that harmonise our health and get rid of old ones, we must act immediately in three directions - conscious, unconscious and plus move our lovely big physical body. It means you have to have a vision and a plan and your answer why are you doing it. Find a suitable for you meditation form, do adequate to your state physical training and get few body and subconscious mind fooling tricks to feel good in the process.
Recently, my students managed to achieve really great results during the weight loss program, but most importantly, it is not at the cost of health, and vice versa - everyone feels not only lighter but also younger, more awake, more energetic and the most important, happier!