Stress management - Post 1
Stress in the 21st century is our's today topic. What is it? How does it work and how we can become friends with it? What are the tools and techniques to protect us against destructive effects of stress? Here I start the series of articles with Post 1.
For millions of years, this was a fundamental scheme, or sequence, for human beings: when the stress comes, you have to “fight or flight”; then you get exhausted and hungry; then, again, you have to act and spend time and energy looking for food, and only then you get something to eat.

What is missing in this sequence now, is a physical action. It is a physical action which activates metabolism and elimination of poisons from our body left after stress. Physical activity is also crucial for overcoming stress reactions and recovering of body functions.
Stress has always been a part of our life, and it will always be. BUT it's nature is transforming now from re’current to permanent. But we have to remember that everything new and previously not experienced pushes us into uncomfortable state and courses stress, even if it will be fun and joyful in the future.
| Don‘t avoid stress! Stress is life. We have to learn how to manage stress.
A strong, healthy organism is better in handling stress and its effects. The same stimulation or trigger can have a different effect on different people. For some, even thinking about something stressful causes stress, others often don’t understand why people around them are so concerned, even in truly stressful situations. All it depends on blueprints in people’s subconscious mind.
Since prehistoric times, primitive communities used to apply tools to deal with stress. I will talk about this little bit later. Very often, it is difficult to find an actual reason of stress-caused body diseases, because they come much later. So all too often, doctors tend to overlook mental reasons and focus on somatic illnesses.
When we discuss stress, we have to make sure we agree on terms.
Stress consists of several components:
Stimulation or the source of stress; if it is strong, it causes ↓
The blocking of body systems, such as digestion, immunity, anti-inflammation, because the body has to focus on immediate survival. So then, if we have a lot of stress or if it is endless, we face ↓
Unavoidable effects or consequences.

As promised I will write short posts not take too much time in one whack... So in the next posts, the story of STRESS will continue and other posts appear.
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